Spanish Swallowing Resources

By: Karen Sheffler

June 21, 2015

Problemas Al Tragar (Disfagia)?

Se Habla Español – Recursos de Tragar – en Español

Spanish Swallowing Resources compiled by Karen Sheffler, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S of

Se Habla Español = We speak Spanish.

Translating medical information is so important for person-centered care. Especially in the United States, clinicians need resources in Spanish, but Spanish Swallowing Resources are essential in countries around the world.

Spanish swallowing resources and links:

  • has many resources written in Spanish. See the La Disfagia section for Parts I through Part V, covering anatomy, diagnostics, treatment, neurogenic causes, and common questions.  Logopedia y Formación was created this Speech-Language Pathologist, who is working in Seville, Spain: MARCELA A. AYARZA MADUEÑO
  • University of Washington Medical Center has created many pdfs in Spanish. These sheets below are in Spanish first and then in English too, so they are also great resources for English speakers.

Spanish resources for dysphagia

  • Chewing Can Be Tricky: Keeping Children Safer at Mealtime by the pediatric swallowing expert: Donna Edwards, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, and ASHA Fellow. The National Foundation of Swallowing Disorders ( has shared this terrific resource for parents, children and professionals. It is a kid-friendly coloring book provided in English, German, and Spanish. Here is the Spanish version:

Masticar Puede Ser Complicado. By Donna Edwards, MA, CCC-SLP, BCS-S. Translated by Cesar E. Ruiz, SLP.D., CCC/SLP., BCS‐S

    • Her LinkedIn profile notes: “This (bilingual) workbook contains cognitive and communication exercises that can be used to provide therapy and assessment. Worksheets can be presented in written form or verbally to guide therapy in either/or English and Spanish. Numerous screening forms are provided to assess memory, attention, communication, social, adaptive, and gross motor skills. Handouts are also provided about dementia, aphasia, TBI, and more.”
  • EAT-10 was translated and validated by Burgos, R., et al. (2012). Translation and validation of the Spanish version of the EAT-10 (Eating Assessment Tool-10) for the screening of dysphagia. Nutr Hosp, 27, 2048-2054. DOI:10.3305/nh.2012.27.6.6100

Spanish resources for dysphagia. The EAT-10 is a popular quality of life screening tool for people with dysphagia / swallowing problems / swallowing disorders. This scale measures the impact on their health and life.

Summary of Current Spanish Swallowing Resources:

This list is a work in progress. Please share your list of Spanish swallowing resources. Please share translations that you may have done in your clinic. Again, see our clinic’s Spanish LPR education handout here. Feel free to use it too.

This is so important for people to hear and read critical medical information in their primary language. As of July 2014 per the US census, there are 55.4 million people of Hispanic origin in the United States. That is 55.4 million Americans that we are helping! 

Disclosure: I have no financial or non-financial disclosures with these Spanish swallowing resources.