Services by Karen Sheffler and SwallowStudy & Associates, LLC

Specializing in:
Adult/Geriatric Medical Speech-Language Pathology & Adult/Geriatric Swallowing Disorders

Blog Writing

Stay up-to-date in your evidence-based practice in the field of swallowing and swallowing disorders (dysphagia). Read, comment, and ask questions on my latest collection of blogs summarizing the latest research and hot topics.

Industry & Organization Support

Expert-opinions on a wide range of dysphagia products and services for people with difficulty swallowing and their care givers.

Industry & Organization Support

Expert-opinions on a wide range of dysphagia products and services for people with difficulty swallowing and their care givers.

Online Training & Webinars

With her world leading expertise and witty humor, Karen will enrich your next conference, lecture and training series or webinar.

Medical Expert Witness

Expert witness in litigation to help you make your case. Consulting with businesses related to dysphagia..

Medical Expert Witness

Expert witness in litigation to help you make your case. Consulting with businesses related to dysphagia..